A Visit to the Region to Evaluate Present Challenges and Needs, 17-21 December 2024

On the 17th December, Oliver took part in the conference “Prospects for Peace Following the 7th of October Attack” which was organised by the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies in Jerusalem. He spoke on the theme: ‘Constructing the Way: Lessons from the Irish Peace Process’.  The conference provided an opportunity to reflect on the real psychological and political challenges that need to be addressed if the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is to be resolved.

During his time in the region he held meetings in Ramallah with the Minister of Justice, Sharhabeel Al Zaeem and Dr Sabri Saidam, the former Education Minister and currently Deputy Secretary General of the Fatah Central Committee. The meetings provided an opportunity to discuss current challenges in the West Bank and Gaza. 

In Amman he met with the Foreign Minister’s Chief of Staff, Adi Khair, to discuss the evolving situation in Syria, West Bank and Gaza. In Cairo, he met with a number of Gazan evacuees as well as with the CEO of SHAF, a Middle East/African Think Tank with whom we organised the conference on Gaza in March 2024. He discussed plans for a follow up roundtable that will focus on the resources and ‘know-how’ that will be required to rebuild the essential social fabric of post war Gaza, focusing on economic, health, educational and legal needs.


Obituary - Dr Mahdi Abdul Hadi - 15 January 2025


WSF Steering Group Meeting, 19 December 2024